Epic Games Store: Escape Academy (Windows) kostenlos bis zum 23.01.2025 – verbleibt dauerhaft im Konto
Update 14.02.2025: Aktuell gibt es das Spiel F1 Manager 2024 und das Apex Legends – Loba Bundle bis zum 20.02.2025 um 16.59 Uhr kostenlos. Die Vollversion verbleibt danach dauerhaft in Eurem Konto.
UrsprĂĽnglicher Beitrag:
Epic Games hat Ende 2018 einen eigenen Store für Videogames eröffnet. Die Anzahl der verfügbaren Spiele Beim Epic Games Store war anfangs noch sehr überschaubar, wuchs dann aber in den letzten Jahren stetig weiter. Wer sich für genauere Zahlen und Infos zum Epic Games Store interessiert, kann mal in den Jahresrückblick 2023 schauen (der neue Rückblick auf 2024 wird erst im Februar 2025 erwartet). Um noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit für den Epic Games Store zu generieren, verschenkt man regelmäßig ein oder mehrere Spiele bzw. Erweiterungen. Damit geht es auch im Jahr 2025 weiter.
Escape Academy – Vollversion gratis – Januar 2025
Aktuell gibt es das Spiel Escape Academy gratis. Ihr könnt Euch die Vollversion des Spiels bis zum 23.01.2025 (16:59 Uhr) kostenlos für Euren Windows-PC im Epic Games Store sichern. Wer Interesse an dem kostenlosen Spiel hat, folgt einfach den Links unten. Das Spiel wurde im Juli 2022 erstmals veröffentlicht. Die Bewertungen des Spiels sind überdurchschnittlich positiv. Probiert einfach aus, ob das Spiel etwas für Euch ist.
Link:Â Epic Games Store: Escape Academy kostenlos – verbleibt dauerhaft im Konto
Escape Academy
You’ve just arrived at Escape Academy, a school where promising students train to become the ultimate Escapist.
Play over a dozen masterfully hand crafted rooms, designed by experienced experts in the field of REAL LIFE escape rooms.
Experience the entirety of Escape Academy alone in single player OR through two player co-operative play. Available in local or online splitscreen.
Explore the campus of Escape Academy and get to know the faculty, a colorful cast of characters, each an expert in the art of Escape. And some with secrets yet to be uncovered…
Featuring Music and Sound Design by the one and only doseone (Gang Beasts, SLUDGE LIFE, Disc Room, Enter the Gungeon).
Attend a Tea ‚N Tea Party – Can you defuse the bomb before your tranquil cup of tea gets cold? Your grade (and physical well being) depend on it!
Hack the Professor – Solve a quantifiably feverish series of challenges to prove to the Academy’s super A.I. that you’ve got the skills to become an Escapist.
Go for the Gold – Represent your class in everyone’s favorite sporting event, The Rival Room. Go toe-to-toe against your nemesis in a puzzle-race to prove who’s top of the class.
Do Not Drown! – Being at the bottom of a puzzle-tower that’s rapidly filling with water is NOT ideal. Scramble to the top for that sweet, sweet oxygen.
Spray Paint the Monument – Art class is no Easy-A at the Academy. Leave your mark on the historic Monument of Escape but uh… hurry up! The Headmaster didn’t exactly approve the lesson plan.
And this is just a portion of the wacky (and often lethal) curriculum!
Hit the road with Coach Yoach in Escape Academy: The Tournament of Puzzles! Showdown against your friends in a head to head, globe-spanning series of puzzle competitions!
This major content update features three massive arenas, three new game modes, puzzle power-ups, additional achievements and lots and lots of puzzles.
Puzzle your way through giant, replayable arenas, complete with secret passages and alternate routes.
Tomb of the First Escapist – Deep in the heart of Egypt where Escape began, puzzle your way through the tomb’s secret passages and make sure you don’t become a permanent resident!
Hackannery – Abandoned fish cannery turned hacker enclave, this rain soaked pier is overloaded with technological and aquatic themed puzzle surprises.
The Showman’s Studio – Step right up and prepare to be puzzled! The biggest theater in all of Escape boasts a plethora of magical challenges to confront!
Escape Race – Face off against your friends in a puzzle race to the finish.
Tic-Tac-Toe – The classic connect three where the X’s and O’s are all locked up.
Scavenger Hunt – Search for trophies while you hunt for solutions to tricky puzzles.
And if you thought things couldn’t get wackier, Tournament of Puzzles features exciting new Power-Ups! Deploy distracting traps against your opponents or or gain an advantage by utilizing assists and secure the win.
More of a solo solver? Not a problem! Coach Yoach is happy to let any Escapist solve their way through the courses in single player mode. Puzzle practice makes puzzle perfect!
And that’s just a portion of the zany (and occasionally lethal) surprises the tournament has in store for Escapists with the guts to enter. So what are you waiting for?
Hike up those puzzle pants and get ready to solve!